

2012年3月29日出版 2013年6月5日更新


The routine decisions that shape our days — what to have for dinner, 去哪里购物, 如何去上班-可能看起来很小, but collectively they have a big effect on global warming.

冷却器聪明: 低碳生活的实际步骤 (Island Press) explains why your individual contribution is so vital to addressing this global problem — and shows you the most effective ways to cut your own global warming emissions by 20 percent or more.

冷却器聪明 powerfully makes the case that we can no longer afford to wait for someone else to solve global warming, 并展示了我们每个人, 一起517888九五至尊娱乐, 能否建设一个低碳的未来.

冷却器聪明 is based on an in-depth, two-year study by the Union of Concerned Scientists. While other guides suggest an array of tips, 冷却器聪明 offers proven strategies to cut carbon, 有关于交通的章节, 家庭能源使用, 饮食, 个人消费, plus tips and suggestions for how you can influence your workplace, 社区, and elected officials to make 冷却器聪明 decisions today.

The book explains how to make the biggest impact and when not to sweat the small stuff. It also turns many eco-myths on their head, like the climate impact of food miles or the superiority of all hybrid cars.

与易于使用的图表和表格, as well as success stories from the frontlines as citizens, 公司, and communities across the country fight 617888九五至尊娱乐变化, the book offers a wealth of science-based strategies that can help you achieve a 20-percent reduction in your carbon footprint—a step the book urges as an important “down payment” toward effectively tackling this problem as a nation.
